Sunday, July 27, 2008



我没有收到很多生日礼物,基本上就只有我的女朋友送我,就是上面这张照片 Quicksilver的凉鞋和杯子。她很细心,买到了刚刚好的尺寸给我。从小到大我都不穿凉鞋只穿球鞋的,可是这次我会改改这个习惯了,除了要穿上爱人的细心之外,也要秀一秀我的幸福!鞋子的皮带是猪皮制成的,很舒服。
生日这天刚好是Astro新秀决赛,我和四个好朋友到了国家体育馆现场看秀。其实我从来都没有看电视的习惯,所以对于当天比赛的五位参赛者都不认识,我只认识我最爱的评审包小松,哈哈!看过他们的表演,我心目中的冠军会是林建辉的妹妹 Debby,但是听说她是没有星味和没有观众缘,我个人是觉得不能接受这样的理由,如果昨晚的赛场是美国,相信冠军非她莫数了;至于得到季军的豪仁,评审给他的评语是不会转气所以不会转音而且还常常破音,我真不明白他为何能凭人气就打败Natalie 和 Danny。。。







Yesterday was my birthday. I went to Times Square for a movie, after that I went to National Stadium for Astro Star Quest 2008, and then went to “The Loneliness of Love” restaurant for supper. At first I wanted to mix my own peach vodka with orange juice, but it was too late, so might be doing that next time. I was not going home, I went to my baby’s house, and in fact I felt afraid because her family is there. If I’m not mistaken, I entered her house at about 2 in the morning. While I wanted to get to bathroom from her room, her mother showed up. That was the second time I met her mother, I called her “aunt” and went for shower, wooo……

I don’t get many presents for my birthday, or I should say that I only got present from my baby. The presents are Quicksilver’s sandal (Carver Le) and glass. She is a real good lover, cause she bought me the exactly size for me without asking me that. I don’t actually wear sandal since I knew how to walk, but I think I need to change this habit now, because I want to wear my “love” and show people my “sweetest and happiness”! Part of the sandal is made by pig skin, it’s so comfortable.

About the Astro Star Quest 2008, I went for the live show with 4 good friends. Everybody knows I don’t watch television, therefore I didn’t know all the 5 Astro stars, I only know one of the judger, and his name is Bao Xiao Song, haha! For me, I will always give the first prize to Debby, but everybody is saying that she’s not a superstar look persons, and fans not really like her, I myself cant accept this kind of reason in a singing contest, if the show was in America, Debby must be the one who win the first prize. The one who got number 3 is Haoren, the judger said that he doesn’t know how to “change his breath”, don’t know how to “change his pitch” and his voice “broke” for few times, so I really don’t understand how can he win Natalie and Danny…..

Just now my mum was asking me did I stay overnight in girl friend’s house, and asked me is the present from my girl friend, and asked me whether I have a girl friend now, I said “no”! I remember that I brought my girl friend home in last Christmas and Chinese New Year, at the end we separated.

I still remember my last birthday in 2007, I walked alone in New Zealand’s capital city, the wind city – Wellington, I was walking around in the museum, just to make the time passing by quicker and waiting for a text from my lover. But…… twelve passed……I still gave myself hope, I told myself, Malaysia is not twelve yet, maybe I will receive her text later. After 4 hours, Malaysia’s twelve also passed by…… I sent her a text to asked her why, she said she forgot……

Forgotten…… I stood in the wind city, to let the wind scratch my face…… Just a little bit pain; Love, from flame to dust……

By the way, they are all passed......

I feel so glad this year, because of you, do you know that? Being with you, it’s like the kite has wind, when I close my eyes, like the dolphin has sea. Even though there was not my favorite birthday cake, even though there was no candles for me, but I’ve seen light……

So how about you? Can you see what I've seen?

Friday, July 25, 2008





Who can row a boat without an oar? Who can hoist a sail without wind direction?
Who can leave good friends without sadness?

I can row a boat without an oar; I can hoist a sail without wind direction.
But friends, if you leave me, I must be sad.

But friends, if you leave me, I must be sad.

Listen to the song...
A song from Michael & Victor:

Monday, July 21, 2008

Broke Up


Monday, July 14, 2008


That day I backpacked to Chiang Mai, Thailand. I wanted to make that trip different from all my last trips, and to make my my wish comes true, I decided to make a tattoo on my right leg. The first picture is showing my leg before the tattoo, some of you must be asking the photo of the completed tattoo. I will show you that in the next post, hehe! By the way, those who first saw my tattoo always asked me the same question, which is :"does it hurt?" Okay! Just have a look of the following pictures, and leave your answer in the comments, I will let you know! Gotcha!

A 开心到 Not Painful At All And Very Happy

B 痛到 Kill Me Better
C 爽到歪 Ah... Ah... So So High...

Friday, July 11, 2008

Me and my lover